
Wrap up on the IUCN World Conservation Congress (September 3-11)

Oct 22, 2021
The author

CPIC Secretariat

Held last month in Marseille and online, the IUCN World Conservation Congress drew significant political attention to the biodiversity crisis. 28 resolutions were adopted on conservation and sustainable development issues that will inform the upcoming UNFCCC and CBD COPs, for example through contributions to the upcoming post-2020 global biodiversity framework. One of those resolutions is the creation of a new Climate Change Commission within IUCN, with the aim to promote integrated solutions on linkages between climate and biodiversity.

The Congress also proved that finance – and especially private finance – is well and truly on the conservation agenda. The Conservation Finance Alliance documented well over 100 sessions focusing on public and private conservation finance. CPIC and its members participated in several of those events, including on biodiversity offsets, blended finance and impact metrics and the future of finance for nature. You can now watch all the sessions organized by the CFA on their website.

A more detailed summary of the WCC is available here.

List of events (co)hosted or attended by CPIC: